Ad-hoc file permission change between docker container and host

In this guide, I want to show how you can modify any docker image so that file permissions of file inside a volume can be modified ad-hoc.

Problem: Almost all docker containers have the default file permission of 644 (-rw-r--r--)

  • owner: read and write
  • group: read
  • other: read

Solution: With the help of the deb package inotify-tools ( we can monitor filesystem events. With the integrated inotifywait ( shell-command we can build a small script that is watching the connected volume inside the container and if files gets "moved in" or "created" inside this folder a chmod 666 is applyed the these files.

Thus, the privileges of the "moved in" or "created" files can be effectively escalated.

In the following example I am using the docker base image: php:apache

version: "3.7"
      context: .
      dockerfile_inline: "FROM php:apache\nRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qqy inotify-tools && apt-get clean autoclean && apt-get autoremove --yes &&  rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/\nRUN echo '#!/bin/sh' > / && echo 'inotifywait -q -m -e create --format \"%f\" /var/www/test | while read FILENAME' >> / && echo 'do' >> / && echo '   chmod 666 /var/www/test/$$FILENAME' >> / && echo 'done' >> / && chmod +x /"
    command: sh -c "/bin/sh / | apache2-foreground"
    restart: always
      - "/host/test-folder:/var/www/test/"
      - "9999:80"

The magic happens inside the long docker_inline command inside the docker-compose.yml.

  • FROM php:apache\n:

    With this command we are setting the docker base image

  • RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qqy inotify-tools && apt-get clean autoclean && apt-get autoremove --yes && rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log}/\n:

    With this part of the command we are installing inotify-tools inside the docker base image (php:apache)

  • RUN echo '#!/bin/sh' > / && echo 'inotifywait -q -m -e create --format \"%f\" /var/www/test | while read FILENAME' >> / && echo 'do' >> / && echo ' chmod 666 /var/www/test/$$FILENAME' >> / && echo 'done' >> / && chmod +x /

    With the last part of the docker_inline command we are creating a small sh script (/ with the following content:

    inotifywait -q -m -e create --format "%f" /var/www/test | while read FILENAME
      chmod 666 /var/www/test/$FILENAME

    Please edit the path /var/www/test inside the docker_inline command if you have mounted the volume to another place inside the docker container.

Now with the command: sh -c "/bin/sh / | apache2-foreground" command we are starting the / script and the apache-webserver at the same time inside the docker container. If you are not using the base image php:apache you need to change apache2-foreground command with the last command inside the docker base image.

You can find a list of all layers inside of a docker base image if you search the docker hub If you have found your image click on the "Tags"-View and click on the tag you are using (In my example apache

Now you see all layers of the specific base image. In my example the last layer command is CMD ["apache2-foreground"] and so I have used apache2-foreground command inside the docker-compose.yml If the last layer in the docker base image is a ENTRYPOINT command please replace command: sh -c "/bin/sh / | ........" with entrypont: sh -c "/bin/sh / | ........" in the docker-compose.yml

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