In this small blog post I want to show how you can manage files inside different docker volumes with different file ownerships via the filebrowser container.
filebrowser provides a file managin...
In this post I would like to show how to set up automatic updates on a linux system with a simple bash script:
script:nano auto-update-...
In this small blog post I want to show how to enable 2FA in Ubuntu Desktop.
rightsInstall, update and remove checkmk Agent on Windows or Linux with automated scripts. Furthermore these scripts are adding or removing the client-object in the checkmk-Server (via API calls).
In this guide, I will try to explain how to set up a Docker Swarm system that is completely highly available. In total we need to setup five Ubuntu-Server machines (3x Docker machines).
In this guide, I will explain how to automatically add docker containers as hosts in checkmk
In this guide, I want to show how you can modify any docker image so that file permissions of file inside a volume can be modified ad-hoc.
Problem: Almost all docker containers have the default fil...
In this guide, I want to show you a small bash script that I have written to set the vault timeout
setting globally for all your created organisations in Vaultwarden.
For context: Some settings in...
In this guide, I will explain how to connect two containers in different docker-compose.yml Services together that are setup on the same host machine.
By default every docker-compose.yml Service is...
In this short article I want to show how you can optimize RKE2 Kubernetes HA failover time. In the default configuration of a RKE2 Kubernetes High Availability Cluster, Workloads are migrating from...
Hello everyone,
in this short article I want to show how to mount a longhorn volume temporally to the host system.
First, checkout on longhorn UI the name of your PVC volume: (eg. pvc-6c9...)